Potts Pages - Dealing With the Daily
January 20, 2016
I try to give credit where credit is due. The quote, “Life gets daily” is one that I have heard somewhere over the years. If I could remember where I would give the wise person who said it credit. Even though it is not an original thought, it is one that comes to mind often.
We all want to do big things. We want to stay on track. We like things to go as planned, but then life happens. We get interrupted. We have tasks that we have to take care of each day. Sometimes, it seems that all we do are the things that we must do. We have a hard time getting around to doing those things that we planned to do. This especially rings true for many writers. We seem to have a million other things we could be doing other than writing.
Let’s look at some ways that we can learn to deal with those “life gets daily” situations.
Make a to-do list. Make a list of everything you need to do for the week and assign days for each task. Allow so much time each day for these daily task or choose a day and do as many of those task as you can.Combine task when possible. Check emails while waiting at the doctor’s office. Work on your calendar while you are waiting in the parent pick up line.Look at your daily tasks and see if there are things that can be eliminated or delegated.Use what time you have. If you allow yourself and hour to do a job, and it takes an hour and a half, go ahead and use the half hour left productively. Search yourself to see if you are using your daily life as an excuse to not start that new project or to not take on that new job at church. The” I’m too busy excuse” can become very convenient.Allow for divine interruptions. If a friend calls needing to talk, consider it a ministry. Don’t be so rigid sticking to a schedule that you can’t serve others.Above all keep your quiet time with the Lord and ask him to help you set your priorities.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) (NIV)Sue
Posted on: January 21, 2016
One of my greatest challenges and favorite verses.