Thank you for checking out my website. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sue Davis Potts. I live in a small town in West Tennessee. Even though my home town is small, it is a wonderful place to live. It is the type of town that still has county fairs, Christmas parades and heritage day on the square. So, being from Tennessee, you can figure out that I am a true southern girl. I love BBQ, watermelon and sweet tea.
I am the mother of a beautiful, extremely smart, teenage daughter named Jessa. She makes my life a joy every day as I mentioned she is beautiful but more importantly she is a beautiful person inside. She is very involved in her school activities and with her church youth group. Like her mother, she is disorganized, creative and a true southern girl (she likes sweet tea too). Let’s talk about writing. I have been writing since…. Well, there is no since, I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I love word crafting, putting words together, arranging them and making them express ideas, thoughts and feelings. In high school, we were given the assignment to write a poem for English class. When I got my paper back, the teacher’s note at the top of the page said, “You, have a flair for poetry!” I didn’t know what a flair was but I was sure glad I had it. I felt validated. Somebody, actually thought my writing was good. After high school, I went to college and majored in Written Communication, worked on the school newspaper, and became president of the creative writing interest group.
Life took me a different direction and I went back to college to get my degree in education. I spent several years in early education as a preschool teacher, daycare director and Kindergarten teacher in a small private school.
Years later I attended my first writer’s conference. I didn’t know a soul there but I felt at home. These people spoke my language. The keynote speakers and workshop leaders were so encouraging and helpful. There were people attending that had been published and those like me who were venturing into unknown waters. By the time, I left that conference, I had made lifelong friends. I continue to go back to that conference and others that are in my area and fit into my life of writing. Yes, the conference cost a little money but the connections are priceless.
Now, I want to tell you that the most important thing to know about me is that I am a Christian. To see exactly what that means to me and what I believe click on the This I believe tab of my website. I have a wonderful church family, that I worship with every Sunday. I am involved with a great supportive prayer group and have the honor of serving on the women’s ministry committee.
I feel that the ability to write is a gift from the Lord and I want to use that gift to serve him. That doesn’t mean that everything I write has to be preachy. It just means that I don’t ever want to write anything that I would be ashamed for him to read. I also have to ask his help often so what I write also has to be something that he is pleased to help with when I ask.
Check out the rest of my website and then come back regularly for updates on my publications and my blog. Please comment on my blog and share it with your friends. Let’s chat again soon.