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Sue Davis Potts
Potts Pages - Easter-It is Finished
March 30, 2018

As I began thinking about what to blog for Easter, I thought about looking at the symbols of Easter and their origins. Many of them have nothing to do with the true meaning of Easter and have pagan origins. However, we can give them a Christian meaning as we use them to teach our children about Easter.

Eggs represent new life and Jesus breaking free from the tomb. The Easter bunny is also a sign of new life as rabbits are known for their fertility. The white Easter lily represents Christ’s purity. There are more traditions that you can look up for yourself if you wish. But, I decided rather than focusing on the symbols of Easter we would look at the real reason we celebrate Easter.

There is probably nothing new that I can tell you about Easter that you don’t already know. But, what we know is enough. It is enough because God did not make what happened on Easter complicated. He made it plain and simple. Jesus was crucified, and three days later he rose again. And he did it for you and me.

As Jesus took his final breath on the cross, he said, “It is finished.” What was he talking about? His earthly life? His mission? His pain? Yes, to all these but the ultimate answer is that he had finished paying the price for our redemption. He had to give his all, and it was enough.

I know you have heard this before, but it bears repeating. If Jesus had died and stayed dead, it would not have been enough. He would have been just another dead teacher. He would have been just like all those that claimed to be gods. He is the only, one true living God. That is why we celebrate Easter. Our God lives!

Not only did Jesus die for you and me. He also walked out of the tomb for us. Salvation is not complicated, but it is not the way the world would have us to believe either. The world wants us to believe that there are many ways to God and that whatever works for us if we are sincere we will be okay. That is a lie that Satan wants us to believe. This is God’s world. He is the authority, and it was up to him to choose the way that we can be made right with him.

He chose Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. What a gift! What a shame it would be to not accept the gift of Jesus as Savior. I pray you have accepted this gift of a risen, living Savior and you can truly celebrate Easter. HE LIVES! Let’s live in gratitude for him.


The Easter story (Matthew 27-28) (Mark 15-16) (Luke 23-24) (John 19-20)

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” (Matthew 28:6) (NIV)


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