Have you tried the latest beauty treatment? There are hundreds of them. There are wrinkle removers, blemish creams, exfoliates, moisturizers and a host of other fix-its for our faces. We use these products because we want to look our best.
What if I told you I know of an ancient beauty treatment that will make you look better than any of these new fangled products? The best part of the deal is that it is free. What is this wonder treatment? It is very simple to put on and will instantly change your appearance. It is a smile.
The bible talks about our countenance. In the book of Daniel, the Bible said that after Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to eat the king’s rich food that their appearance looked healthier than the other men. Their well-being was judged by their appearance.
In Isaiah, the prophet is telling how the sins of Judah and Jerusalem will affect them and in Isaiah 3:9 it says, “the look on their faces testifies against them. We have all seen this with our children, haven’t we? You don’t know what they have done, but you can tell by the look on their face that they have done something. There are other mentions of fear and anger showing on the face.
So our faces tell a lot about us, and we want to make a smile part of our beauty treatment. Sometimes we get so distracted by life that we forget to smile. But, if we want to share the joy that Jesus puts in our hearts we have to let it shine on our face. There is a prayer in Psalms 4:6 that says, “Let the light of your face shine on us.” If the Lord shines upon us, then we need to reflect that light to the world. So, put on a smile and shine on!
“A happy heart makes the face cheerful but heartache crushes the spirit.” (Proverbs 15:13) (NIV)